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call DateTimePicker in wordpress Gutenberg block

This should be relatively easy I imagine, however I cannot figure it out.

I am creating a custom Gutenberg block in JSX with React components which has an attribute I call datetime. Using the block you can choose a date and time that will be saved to the database and rendered on the front-end.

Using the documentation I import all dependencies and created a const like this:

const MyDateTimePicker = withState( {
    date: new Date(),
} )( ( { date, setState } ) => {
    const settings = __experimentalGetSettings();

    // To know if the current timezone is a 12 hour time with look for an "a" in the time format.
    // We also make sure this a is not escaped by a "/".
    const is12HourTime = /a(?!\\)/i.test(
            .toLowerCase() // Test only the lower case a
            .replace( /\\\\/g, '' ) // Replace "//" with empty strings
            .split( '' ).reverse().join( '' ) // Reverse the string and test for "a" not followed by a slash

    return (
            currentDate={ date }
            onChange={ ( date ) => setState( { date } ) }
            is12Hour={ is12HourTime }
} );

My question is: how do I call this?

I tried { MyDateTimePicker }, { MyDateTimePicker() } and <button onClick={ MyDateTimePicker }>test</button>. None of this seems to work.


  • You need to read about Edit and Save functions

    On edit you'd use it somehow like this assuming you already defined the attribute datetime as needed:

    const { Fragment, createElement } = window.wp.element;
    const { InspectorControls } = window.wp.editor;
    const { Panel, PanelBody, PanelRow, DateTimePicker } = window.wp.components;
    export default function edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) {
      const { datetime } = attributes;
      const onUpdateDate = ( dateTime ) => {
        var newDateTime = moment(dateTime).format( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' );
        setAttributes( { datetime: newDateTime } );
      return (
                title="Some title for the date-tile panel"
                initialOpen={ false }
                    currentDate={ datetime }
                    onChange={ ( val ) => onUpdateDate( val ) }
                    is12Hour={ true }

    On the save function, you could display the output easily like this:

    const { createElement, Fragment } = window.wp.element;
    export default function save( { attributes } ) {
        const { datetime } = attributes;
        return (
            { datetime ?
            <p>The Date-Time: <span>{datetime}</span></p>
          </div> :
            <p>No date defined</p>

    Note: the example above will display the date-time picker in the block editor right panel on its own panel row, if you want it displayed differently or as a part of some action you'd need to get a little creative and create you own React components.