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Alarm Manager BrodcastReceiver

i want to make my app when Battery Be Low Like from 6% to 4% Make a Push a Notification every 1 Minute while app is Close

i was Use background Service and Use BrodcastReceiver and many other things But all tell me Alarm manger will work with my app cause that work in Background

i want app Run on Background when user Download app to make app Listen to battery Level and when battery be 6% to 4% push Notification every 1 minute the Work manager Notification

 public class NotificationWork extends Worker {
private static final String WORK_RESULT = "work_result";

public NotificationWork(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
    super(context, workerParams);

public Result doWork() {


    return Result.success();

private void showNotification() {

    NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(

    String channelId = "task_channel";
    String channelName = "task_name";

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {

        NotificationChannel channel = new
                NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);

    NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext(), channelId)
            .setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND | Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE)
            // Set the intent that will fire when the user taps the notification


and method to start work Manager

private void startWorkManager() {

Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder()

    PeriodicWorkRequest periodicWorkRequest= new
            PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(NotificationWork.class , 15 , TimeUnit.MINUTES)




  • Yes, the Alarm manager is not called when the application removes from the background. You can user Work Manager that provides the background process even application removes from the background. But there is one limitation of it. The work manager's minimum time interval is 15 min. so that the work manager calls the worker calls at every 15 mins of interval. Work Manager

    I hope, this will help you.

    Happy coding...