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Override equals on a cglib proxy

I would like to use a CGLIB proxy to add my own reusable equals() method to existing objects.

The objects do not necessarily implement any interfaces and I need to be able to cast the proxied object to the original class (without getting the target of the proxy).

Unfortunately, it seems that CGLIB implements its own equals() method and makes sure that only that method is called: there is a private static class (EqualsInterceptor) whose method intercept() implements a reasonable logic to compare proxied objects. The problem is that this method, at the end, delegates the comparison to the target objects: I need instead to reuse some logic that is not implemented by the target classes.

Using a standard proxy, I was able to intercept the call to the equals() method and execute my logic. The problem is that these kind of proxies cannot be cast to the original class.

It seems that the only way is to rewrite some classes in the CGLIB library. It does not seem a good idea.


  • No, this is not possible using cglib.

    You can use another library such as Byte Buddy which allows you to intercept equals/hashCode just like any other method.

    For disclosure: I am the author of Byte Buddy and a maintainer for cglib which are both Apache 2.0 licensed.