So I know you can set the images of a ImageView like the following (assuming bun_picture is an ImageView):
but is there any way to check what image an ImageView is currently displaying? Something like (NOTE: .getImageResource doesn't exist, I'm just using it to get across what I want to do):
if(bun_picture.getImageResource() == R.drawable.rawbun) == true){
do something}
Obviously that doesn't work, but is there some equivalent I can use?
Unless you have called mutate()
on either of the drawables, you can check if two drawables represent the same image by comparing their ConstantState
ConstantState mine = bun_picture.getConstantState();
ConstantState other = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.rawbun).getConstantState();
if (mine.equals(other)) {
// they are the same