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UWP BarcodeScanner Preview: CaptureElement doesn't show any Preview

My CaptureElements are showing strange behavior. When I set a instantiated MediaCapture as the CaptureElements Source and then call MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync() the CaptureElement doesn't show anything.

I have one Application (main-app) with a functional BarcodeScanner on the LoginPage. -> Works!

Then I wanted to copy the same code to the SettingsPage with small modifications so in case of several attached cameras, the default one can be set. -> Doesn't work

Then I tried to run the main-app with the help of the remote debugger on other windows tablets with same Windows 10 Version as my machine (keep in mind, that the BarcodeScanner on the Login-Screen works on my machine). -> doesn't work

Because of these failures I copied the running code from the main-apps LoginPage to a completely new solution (lets call it test-app) with the same settings as the original one. I even experimented with referencing the same Dlls, implementing the same design pattern etc. -> doesn't work

My Machine: Win 10 Pro Version 1809 Build 17763.652

DevEnv: MS Visual Studio 2019 Pro Vers. 16.1.6

EDIT: As minimum required Windows Version I selected Build 16229 and my target Version is Build 17763 (my systems Win version)

The "Allow apps to access your camera"-Option in the Widows Settings is switched to ON, so all apps are allowed to access the camera.



            <vm:TestViewModel x:Name="ViewModel" />

                <Button Content="Start Preview" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Click="Button_Click" Margin="5" />

                <CaptureElement x:Name="capturePreview" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Stretch="Uniform" Width="0" Height="0" Margin="10" />

                <Button Content="Stop Preview" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Click="Button_Click_1" Margin="5" />

                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Etikett, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="5" />


private BarcodeScanner scanner { get; set; }
private ClaimedBarcodeScanner claimedScanner { get; set; }
private MediaCapture captureManager { get; set; }

internal async Task StartScannerAsync () {
            capturePreview.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            capturePreview.Width = 400; capturePreview.Height = 300;

            scanner = null;
            scanner = await DeviceHelpers.GetFirstDeviceAsync(BarcodeScanner.GetDeviceSelector(connectionTypes), async (id) => await BarcodeScanner.FromIdAsync(id));

            if (scanner != null) {
                captureManager = new MediaCapture();
                claimedScanner = await scanner.ClaimScannerAsync();

                if (claimedScanner != null) {
                    claimedScanner.ReleaseDeviceRequested += claimedScanner_ReleaseDeviceRequested;
                    claimedScanner.DataReceived += claimedScanner_DataReceived;

                    claimedScanner.IsDecodeDataEnabled = true;
                    IReadOnlyList<uint> supportedSymbologies = await scanner.GetSupportedSymbologiesAsync();

                    foreach (uint symbology in supportedSymbologies) {
                        listOfSymbologies.Add(new SymbologyListEntry(symbology));

                    await claimedScanner.EnableAsync();

                    MediaCaptureInitializationSettings _captureInitSettings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings {
                        VideoDeviceId = scanner.VideoDeviceId,
                        StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.AudioAndVideo,
                        PhotoCaptureSource = PhotoCaptureSource.VideoPreview

                    await captureManager.InitializeAsync(_captureInitSettings);
                    capturePreview.Source = captureManager;

                    try {
                        // Change to false, in case you wanna compare different methods of doing the same
                        bool Like_MP_PAT_UWP = false;

                        if (Like_MP_PAT_UWP) {
                            await capturePreview.Source.StartPreviewAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StartSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                        } else {

                            LocalDataContext.Etikett = "await captureManager.StartPreviewAsync();";
                            await captureManager.StartPreviewAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StartSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StopSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                            await captureManager.StopPreviewAsync();

                            LocalDataContext.Etikett = "await capturePreview.Source.StartPreviewAsync();";
                            await capturePreview.Source.StartPreviewAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StartSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StopSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                            await capturePreview.Source.StopPreviewAsync();

                            LocalDataContext.Etikett = "await claimedScanner.ShowVideoPreviewAsync();";
                            await claimedScanner.ShowVideoPreviewAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StartSoftwareTriggerAsync();
                            await claimedScanner.StopSoftwareTriggerAsync();

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Exception x = e; displayRequest.RequestRelease();
                    } finally {
                        LocalDataContext.Etikett = string.Empty;



public class TestViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged {
        public static TestViewModel Instance { get; set; }

        private string _Etikett;
        public string Etikett { get { return _Etikett; } set { _Etikett = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } }

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public void NotifyPropertyChanged ([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "") {
            //PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

            if (PropertyChanged != null) {
                PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

I've wasted already 4 working days just to compare the solutions, the codes etc. The above code was copied from the test-app but it's mostly identical to the one on the main-apps LoginPage (except for the "if (Like_MP_PAT_UWP) {...}".

Every hint is welcome.

Thank you in advance.


  • The Problem was Kaspersky Endpoint Security's "advanced Threat Protection/host intrusion prevention"-setting. It prevented ALL apps outside from our dev-harddrive (i. e. on our tablets or from our network-drive) to access the camera (Dev-Drive = "Trusted Zone").

    It was necessary to reconfigure that feature in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for the whole environment (declare necessary locations/clients as a trusted zone).

    Hope, this might help someone with a similar problem or at least give a hint to someone.