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Conditional formatting - coloring a row based on whether a cell within the row matches a cell outside the range

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Wanting to apply conditional formatting to a range within a Google sheet, but the dependency is based on whether a cell within the range matches a cell outside the range.

    A     B     C 
1 John 
2 Bob 
3 Phil 
6  NZ    John  Rugby 
7  Aust  John  Soccer 
8  NZ    Bob   Tennis 
9  NZ    John  Baseball 
10 Aust  Phil  Tennis

Above is a simplified sheet. I have 3 unique names in A1, A2 & A3. Below that info is a chart of people from a work group.

I want to apply conditional formatting to the chart so that all the rows containing John are shaded red, rows containing Bob are shaded blue and rows containing Phil are shaded green.

Most tutorial videos are based on the assumption that the conditional formatting required would need a formula like =$B6="John" with a range of A6:C10 and shading it red.

I'm looking for something a bit more generic so the formula isn't listing specific names, rather a cell such as A1. So the formula might look like =$B6=A1 with a range of A6:C10 and a shade of red.



  • red color: =$B6=$A$1

    blue color: =$B6=$A$2

    green color: =$B6=$A$3
