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how do I find a # with jQuery?

I recently built a small app for my site that allows my users to display their tweets. I am wondering if their is a way with jQuery or Javascript to detect or find stuff like hashtags and http://'s ?

A simple example of a sentence might be:

The quick #brown fox jumps over the #lazy dog


  • You might give twitter-text-js a try. It can do things like auto link @mentions, #hashtags, and urls.

    twttr.txt.autoLink('A @screen_name, #hashtag, and url: autolinked')

    Will result in:

    "A @<a class="tweet-url username" data-screen-name="screen_name" href="" rel="nofollow">screen_name</a>, <a href="" title="#hashtag" class="tweet-url hashtag" rel="nofollow">#hashtag</a>, and url: <a href="" rel="nofollow" ></a> autolinked"

    Or finding the indices of #hashtags:

    twttr.txt.extractHashtagsWithIndices('A @screen_name, #hashtag, and url: autolinked')

    will result in:

      hashtag: "hashtag",
      indices: [ 16, 24 ]