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C++ builtin random artifacts in Rcpp

I'm maintaining an R package named iRF, and a big problem is that it isn't reproducible. In other words, I cannot get the same result by setting set.seed. For the purpose of this question, let's focus on the function RIT. You don't need to figure out what it does; just look at the RNG handling part instead.

It is defined in R/RIT.R, which calls either RIT_1class or RIT_2class depending on the input type. Both RIT_[1|2]class functions are defined in src/ExportedFunctionsRIT.cpp, which in turn calls helper functions defined in src/RITmain.h and src/RITaux.h.

I'm using Rcpp attributes, so randomness in RIT_[1|2]class should be correctly handled by an implicit RNGScope, as mentioned in this answer. However, this codebase is tricky to tackle in two ways,

  1. The functions RIT_basic and RIT_minhash use // [[Rcpp::plugins(openmp)]]. Fortunately, the original author gives each thread a separate seed, so hopefully, I can make it deterministic with seeds[i] = rand() * (i+1), yet you can tell this along isn't enough since I'm asking here.
// Set up vector of seeds for RNG
vector<unsigned int> seeds(n_cores);
for (int i=0; i<n_cores; i++) {
  seeds[i] = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()*(i+1);
  1. One of the functions, CreateHT uses random_device rd;. I'm not familiar with C++ but a quick search reveals it generates "non-deterministic random numbers".
void CreateHt(...) {
  // Ht is p by L
  random_device rd; //seed for Random Number Generator(RNG)
  mt19937_64 mt(rd()); //Use Mersenne Twister as RNG

    shuffle(perm.begin(), perm.end(), mt);

From my understanding, both rand() and random_device are C++'s builtin random artifacts. How can I make them respect .Random.seed?


  • You should not use rand(), c.f. In particular rand() is not thread safe, so combining it with OpenMP will not work. However, going for C++11's random header is not a good idea either, since its usage is discouraged by WRE. No reason is given, but the distribution functions being implementation defined is a likely one.

    Possible alternatives:

    • Use R's RNG. Rcpp provides many wrapper functions in the R and Rcpp namespace. In addition R_unif_index is helpful for getting an unbiased integer within a range.

    • Use the RNGs from boost.random provided by the BH package. Seed them with a call to R's RNG to make everything reproducible.

    • Use alternative packages like rTRNG, sitmo or my own dqrng. This is particularly helpful in the context of parallel RNGs. Seeding via R's RNG can be used here as well.