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How to pass login and password via POST VBA Httprequest?

I need to login a https website via httprequest.

I am trying to use the code from this post VBA WinHTTP to download file from password proteced https website

but i only get that answer: "User not found" - but I know the user and password works fine when I login manually.

My main doubt is where the parameters in the string strAuthenticate came from?

And also why I can not see any http header with the "authorization" word in it or with my username/password in it when i use a http sniffer program.

The website is a form-base authentication type. Is there a way (or should I) inform in my code any reference to the HTML textboxes objects for username and password?(And in this case how could I do it?)

Sub SaveFileFromURL()

    Dim WHTTP As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    Set WHTTP = New WinHttpRequest

    mainUrl = ""    

    myuser = "userA"
    mypass = "passuserA"

    strAuthenticate = "start-url=%2F&user=" & myuser & "&password=" & mypass & "&switch=Log+In"

    WHTTP.Open "POST", mainUrl, False
    WHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    WHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & EncodeBase64(StrConv(    myuser & ":" & mypass, vbFromUnicode))
End Sub


  • Thanks very much for all the help. Turns out the key for find the answer was to use the right tools.

    As @chillin recommended using a traffic analyzer was essential. I was trying to get the HTTP headers with "Live HTTP Headers" Chrome extension, but that only gives my information about the manual authentication process and even then INCOMPLETE information.

    So I downloaded "WireShark" and try to sniff the HTTP traffic, but I couldn't since it was encrypted. Then I did some research and found this way of workaround the encryption:

    After this step-by-step guide and applying an http packets filter (just write http in the wireshark filter textbox) I was able to sniff the HTTP traffic (the one I generate when I log in manually to the website and the one generated via Excel(vba) HTTPREQUEST.

    After this everything got easier and I end up with the code below:

    Dim WHTTP As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    Set WHTTP = New WinHttpRequest
    'Logon page:
    mainUrl = "https://www.somewebsite/Logar.php"
    myuser = "myuser"
    mypass = "mypassword"
    strAuthenticate = "username=" & myuser & "&bypass=" & mypass
    WHTTP.Open "POST", mainUrl, False
    WHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    WHTTP.Send strAuthenticate
    End Sub

    That was enough to do the website log in. No need to encode the username and password.

    PS: In the strAuthenticate the "username" and the "bypass" are the HTML objects ids for the username textbox and the password textbox.

    I hope this answer can help other people. Thanks again for all the help!