I am using reactstrap to style my three column page
<Col md="4">Left</Col>
<Col md="9">Center</Col>
<Col md="5">Right</Col>
This is the desired layout:
The reactstrap layout docs do not give example nor detail how this can be achieved. Currently they are vertically stacked in the same order that they are horizontally ordered left-to-right. I have tried several combinations of className and md props, but have not been able to implement this. How can this layout be achieved with reactstrap?
I found a simple solution as suggested by Toni Michel Caubet (.scss)
@media(max-width: 768px) {
.main-section {
display: flex;
.left-col {
order: 1;
.center-col {
order: 3;
.right-col {
order: 2;
The md breakpoint is 768px. This hardcoded value be replaced with bootstrap breakpoints.