I have a sample text in my div.content
These is your very first content with Contentful, pulled in JSON format using the [Content Delivery API](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/ "Content Delivery API").
Content and presentation are now decoupled, allowing you to focus your efforts in building the perfect app.
## Your first steps Building with Contentful is easy. First take a moment to get [the basics of content modelling](https://www.contentful.com/r/knowledgebase/content-modelling-basics/ "the basics of content modelling"), which you can set up in the [Contentful Web app](https://app.contentful.com/ "Contentful Web app").
Once you get that, feel free to drop by the [Documentation](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/ "Documentation") to learn a bit more about how to build your app with Contentful, in particular the [API basics](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/concepts/apis/ "API basics") and each one of our four APIs, as shown below.
I want to get all the strings like this:
[the basics of content modelling](https://www.contentful.com/r/knowledgebase/content-modelling-basics/ "the basics of content modelling")
from this text and replace them with link a
and insert in a html tags
<a href="https://www.contentful.com/r/knowledgebase/content-modelling-basics/ ">the basics of content modelling</a>
I am using that regex
let pattern = /\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/gmi
Your pattern is missing that ()
contains both URL and string in quotes. Add \s\".*?\"
to your pattern - \s
matches whitespace, you can omit it if you want to leave space at the end of URL
let pattern = /\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\s\".*?\"\)/gm;
let text = `These is your very first content with Contentful, pulled in JSON format using the [Content Delivery API](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/ "Content Delivery API").
Content and presentation are now decoupled, allowing you to focus your efforts in building the perfect app.
## Your first steps
Building with Contentful is easy. First take a moment to get [the basics of content modelling](https://www.contentful.com/r/knowledgebase/content-modelling-basics/ "the basics of content modelling"), which you can set up in the [Contentful Web app](https://app.contentful.com/ "Contentful Web app").
Once you get that, feel free to drop by the [Documentation](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/ "Documentation") to learn a bit more about how to build your app with Contentful, in particular the [API basics](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/concepts/apis/ "API basics") and each one of our four APIs, as shown below.`
let result = text.replace(pattern, '<a href="$2">$1</a>')