I am using SnakeYAML
as my YAML parser for a project, and I don't know how to set keys that are nested. For instance, here is a YAML file with nested keys in it.
enabled: true
chat: true
commands: true
format: '%id% %date% %username% | %value%'
My goal is to be able to easily set the path control.advertising.enabled
or any other path to any value.
When I use
void Set(String key, Object value, String configName){
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
OutputStream oS;
try {
oS = new FileOutputStream(main.getDataFolder() + File.separator + configName);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// set data based on original + modified
data.put(key, value);
String output = yaml.dump(data);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
to set the value, instead of getting
chat: true
commands: true
format: '%id% %date% %username% | %value%'
the entire yaml file is cleared and I only get
{logging.chat: false}
Thank you!
Define your structure with Java classes:
public class Config {
public static class Advertising {
public boolean enabled;
public static class Control {
public Advertising advertising;
public static class Logging {
public boolean chat;
public boolean commands;
public String format;
Control control;
Logging logging;
Then you can modify it like this:
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
Config config = yaml.loadAs(inputStream, Config.class);
config.control.advertising.enabled = false;
String output = yaml.dump(config);
Note that loading & saving YAML data this way might mess with the order of mapping keys, because this order is not preserved. I assume that the output order will be according to the field order in the Java classes, but I'm not sure.