Here is code snippet:
.safeLookup(test_url, function(tableName){
if (tableName == 'goog-phish-shavar' || tableNmae == 'goog-malware-shavar') {
alert('This is reported by Google! ');
It works fine, but I don't think it is the 'right' way...
What if user change the DataProvider?
Accessing any methods or properties of an XPCOM object using wrappedJSObject is a problem waiting to happen. Anything accessed via wrappedJSObject is considered "private" data and methods - potentially breaking in future releases. Try to avoid it.
The good news is the the "listManager" is itself a global XPCOM service. Access it directly using:
var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var listManager = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIUrlListManager);
As for changing the data provider, it will take a fair amount of code changes to Firefox before that can happen. If it does, we would hopefully add some management methods to XPCOM as well.