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Where does firefox store the data whether an extension is enabled or disabled?

I am trying to automate the process of creating a Firefox profile. I want to create a profile that is in a exact desired state that I want for various tasks, this desired state can something such as

  1. A relatively clean profile
  2. A specific set of settings in the \prefs.js file, such as disabling the "Make Firefox your go-to browser" first time launch dialog
  3. A specific set of css settings in the chrom directory, just to visually differentiate the profile from others
  4. A specific set of extensions
  5. All extensions are always enabled

and so on, I have figured out most things but for the life of me I cant figure out item .5, when I start the profile, all extensions are always disabled and I have to manually enable them I tried figuring out what file this information is stored on but have had no luck. Does anyone know?

Thank you.


  • I'm assuming you're on windows?

    The physical location of your extensions is located at:

    1. Open the Run menu from the Windows Start Menu
    2. Open %appdata%
    3. Open Mozilla
    4. Open Firefox
    5. Open Profiles
    6. Open the folder inside of the Profiles folder
    7. Open Extensions

    There's a further flag contained within firefox itself that dictates which extensions are in an "enabled" state. That is to say, there's a store contained within the application itself that has a true/false flag for each. It used to be accessible through their extension api.

    If you can provide more detail as to what you want, I can likely steer you more precisely; I've written extension managers for both FF and GC before.