I'm migrating JPA api's like persist,save,merge,refresh,detach and remove to plain SQL using JDBC, where iam finding it hard to understand the concept of EntityManager.merge(someTask).
I tried a SQL update query for the merge API but the explanation of merge is as follows Merge the state of the given entity into the current persistence context.But with plain SQL and JDBC its hard to understand how to do the same and i need to handle OptimisticLock as well.
The entity class which is used for JPA is as follows.
@Table(name = "TASK", indexes = {@Index(name = "RIO", columnList = "priority", unique = false),
@Index(name = "EXP", columnList = "expiry", unique = false),
@Index(name = "STA", columnList = "taskStatus", unique = false),
@Index(name = "CAT", columnList = "category", unique = false),
@Index(name = "NEXTTRY", columnList = "nextTry", unique = false)})
public class TaskEntity {
private int version;
@Column(length = Integer.MAX_VALUE, columnDefinition = "varchar(" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")")
private String taskId;
private String category;
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@MapKeyColumn(name = "KEY")
@CollectionTable(name = "TASKPROPERTIES", foreignKey = @ForeignKey(
name = "TASK_ID_FK",
@Column(length = Integer.MAX_VALUE, columnDefinition = "varchar(" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")")
private Map<String, String> TaskProperties;
@Column(length = Integer.MAX_VALUE, columnDefinition = "varchar(" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")")
private String destination;
private TaskStatus taskStatus;
private String type;
private Long expiry;
private Long nextTry;
private Integer retries;
private Integer priority;
//Setters and Getters
//Equals and HashCode
Hence what would be the equivalent of EntityManger.merge(task) to SQL/HSQL.
Merge in essence is the process of merging an existing record in a table with what has been provided in the statement (i.e. UPDATE if the record exists else INSERT). Also known as UPSERT
Let us say you have a table tbl_person that has primary key person_ssn and two other columns namely name and age. In case you want to insert a statement on a person_ssn that happens to exist there, DBs will throw error. Your requirement is to insert a record if the person_ssn doesn't exist else update the name and age. In such situation you will use Merge.
There are few ways to achieve this, two of them are
As far as Java JPA is concerned, implementations abstract this concept. Depending on DB's support for MERGE SQL statement, either it is used or two statements (SELECT followed by either UPDATE or INSERT) are issued to accomplish the same.
hsqldb offers MERGE SQL support as per comment provided.