I am going through this code and I have seen the nodejs event emitter being called before the event handler was defined(this line and this line).
When I try to replicate the same, no event gets handled.
eventEmitter.on('event', () => {
console.log('event handled');
When you put the event emitter after the event handler 'event handled ' gets logged.
Is the code on GitHub wrong? Or does it still work because it is in a module and there is a way the module is imported that allows it to work? Kindly explain. Thank you.
The event emission on line 44 is inside of the handler being bound to the ioChat's "connection" event which is not invoked before the binding of eventEmitter's "get-all-users" event on line 181. So even though the line where the event is invoked comes first, it will not be invoked first.
eventEmitter.on('connection', () => {
console.log('this should log second');
eventEmitter.on('someEvent', () => {
console.log('this should log third');
console.log('this should log first');