I am trying to read a cert with file IO , every time I try accessing my cert under
testApp/src/main/resources -> cert
it always reads
And here is my code that I am using, It always exceptions out with null pointer.
// String fileName = "config/sample.txt";
ClassLoader classLoader = App2.class.getClassLoader();
File file = new File(classLoader.getResource("cert/test.p12").getFile());
FileInputStream fm = new FileInputStream(file);
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
try {
ks.load(fm, "test".toCharArray());
catch(Exception e) {
Key key = ks.getKey("test", "test".toCharArray());
Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate("test");
PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
System.out.println("Public key");
I want to read this cert to extract public or private key.
this worked for me
File file = new File(classLoader.getResource("./cert/test.p12").getFile());