Search code examples

Append three regression tables into separate panels

Consider the following toy data:

input strL Country Population Median_Age Sex_Ratio GDP Trade year
"United States of America" 3999 55 1.01 5000 13.1 2012
"United States of America" 6789 43 1.03 7689 7.6 2013
"United States of America" 9654 39 1.00 7689 4.04 2014
"Afghanistan" 544 24 0.76 457 -0.73 2012
"Afghanistan" 720 19 0.90 465 -0.76 2013
"Afghanistan" 941 17 0.92 498 -0.81 2014
"China" 7546 44 1.01 2000 10.2 2012
"China" 10000 40 0.96 3400 14.3 2013
"China" 12000 38 0.90 5900  16.1 2014
"Canada" 7546 44 1.01 2000 1.2 2012
"Canada" 10000 40 0.96 3400 3.1 2013
"Canada" 12000 38 0.90 5900  8.5 2014

I run different regressions (using three different independent variables):


local var "GDP Trade"
foreach ii of local var{
qui reg `ii' Population i.year    
est table, b p
outreg2 Population using table, drop(i.year*) bdec(3) sdec(3) nocons tex(nopretty) append


local var "GDP Trade"
foreach ii of local var{
qui reg `ii' Median_Age i.year    
est table, b p
outreg2 Population using table2, drop(i.year*) bdec(3) sdec(3) nocons tex(nopretty) append


local var "GDP Trade"
foreach ii of local var{
qui reg `ii' Sex_Ratio i.year    
est table, b p
outreg2 Population using table3, drop(i.year*) bdec(3) sdec(3) nocons tex(nopretty) append

I use the append option to append different dependent variables that are to be regressed on the same set of independent variables. Hence, I obtain three different tables.

I wish to "merge" these tables when I compile in LaTeX, so that they appear as a single table, with three different panels, one below the other.


I can use the tex(frag) option of the community-contributed command outreg2, but that will not give me the desired outcome.


  • Here is a simple way of doing this, using the community-contributed command esttab:

    input strL Country Population Median_Age Sex_Ratio GDP Trade year
    "United States of America" 3999 55 1.01 5000 13.1 2012
    "United States of America" 6789 43 1.03 7689 7.6 2013
    "United States of America" 9654 39 1.00 7689 4.04 2014
    "Afghanistan" 544 24 0.76 457 -0.73 2012
    "Afghanistan" 720 19 0.90 465 -0.76 2013
    "Afghanistan" 941 17 0.92 498 -0.81 2014
    "China" 7546 44 1.01 2000 10.2 2012
    "China" 10000 40 0.96 3400 14.3 2013
    "China" 12000 38 0.90 5900  16.1 2014
    "Canada" 7546 44 1.01 2000 1.2 2012
    "Canada" 10000 40 0.96 3400 3.1 2013
    "Canada" 12000 38 0.90 5900  8.5 2014
    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Population i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix A = nullmat(A) \ I[1,1]
        local namesA `namesA' Population_`ii'
    matrix rownames A = `namesA'
    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Median_Age i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix B = nullmat(B) \ I[1,1]
        local namesB `namesB' Median_Age_`ii'
    matrix rownames B = `namesB'
    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Sex_Ratio i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix C = nullmat(C) \ I[1,1]
        local namesC `namesC' Sex_Ratio_`ii'
    matrix rownames C = `namesC'
    matrix D = A \ B \ C


    esttab matrix(D), refcat(Population_GDP "Panel 1" ///
                             Median_Age_GDP "Panel 2" ///
                             Sex_Ratio_GDP "Panel 3", nolabel) ///
                             gaps noobs nomtitles ///
                             varwidth(20) ///
                             title(Table 1. Results)
    Table 1. Results
    Panel 1                          
    Population_GDP           .3741343
    Population_Trade         .0009904
    Panel 2                          
    Median_Age_GDP           202.1038
    Median_Age_Trade          .429315
    Panel 3                          
    Sex_Ratio_GDP            18165.85
    Sex_Ratio_Trade            27.965

    Using the tex option:

    \caption{Table 1. Results}
                        &          c1\\
    Panel 1             &            \\
    Population\_GDP      &    .3741343\\
    Population\_Trade    &    .0009904\\
    Panel 2             &            \\
    Median\_Age\_GDP      &    202.1038\\
    Median\_Age\_Trade    &     .429315\\
    Panel 3             &            \\
    Sex\_Ratio\_GDP       &    18165.85\\
    Sex\_Ratio\_Trade     &      27.965\\


    This preserves the original format:

    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Population i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix A = (nullmat(A) , I[1,1])
        local namesA `namesA' `ii'
    matrix rownames A = Population
    matrix colnames A = `namesA'
    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Median_Age i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix B = nullmat(B) , I[1,1]
        local namesB `namesB' `ii'
    matrix rownames B = "Median Age"
    matrix colnames B = `namesB'
    local var "GDP Trade"
    foreach ii of local var{
        regress `ii' Sex_Ratio i.year 
        matrix I = e(b)
        matrix C = nullmat(C) , I[1,1]
        local namesC `namesC' `ii'
    matrix rownames C = "Sex Ratio"
    matrix colnames C = `namesC'
    matrix D = A \ B \ C

    Table 1. Results
                          GDP        Trade
    Population       .3741343     .0009904
    Median Age       202.1038      .429315
    Sex Ratio        18165.85       27.965