The text is bottom-aligned in tabular cells using the Beamer class.
I've tried solutions from answers to previous questions, but none works for me.
They include using multicolumn
, multirow
, parbox
, minipage
, a nested tabular environment, etc.
Here's a minimal working example:
\diagbox[width=3cm]{Text}{Text} & Text & Text\\
Text & \includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-a} & \includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-a} \\
Text & \includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-a} & \includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-a} \\
Here's this code on Overleaf:
Here's a copy you can edit:
You could use the valign=...
option from adjustbox to chang ethe vertical alignment of your images:
\diagbox[width=3cm]{Text}{Text} & Text & Text\\
Text & \includegraphics[width=3cm,valign=c]{example-image-a} & \includegraphics[width=3cm,valign=c]{example-image-a} \\
Text & \includegraphics[width=3cm,valign=c]{example-image-a} & \includegraphics[width=3cm,valign=c]{example-image-a} \\