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Pandas - create data frame from nested key values and nested list in the dictionary

How to do untangle nested dictionary with list in key/value into columns? I tried different combination to solve converting nested dictionary into pandas data frame. Looked through the stack I am getting close to fix the problem just not quite.

Sample Data:

test = {
    'abc': {
        'company_id': '123c',
        'names': ['Oscar', 'John Smith', 'Smith, John'],
        'education': ['MS', 'BS']
    'DEF': {
        'company_id': '124b',
        'names': ['Matt B.'],
        'education': ['']



pd.DataFrame(list(test.items())) # not working entirely - creates {dictionary in col '1'}


df = pd.concat({
        k: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(v, 'index') for k, v in test.items()

df2 = df.T
df2.reset_index() # creates multiple columns

Output Needed:

enter image description here


  • Update:

    With the release of pandas 0.25 and the addition of explode this is now a lot easier:

    frame = pd.DataFrame(test).T
    frame = frame.explode('names').set_index(
        ['company_id', 'names'],
        ['company_id', 'names']

    Pre pandas 0.25:

    This is not really lean but then this is a rather complicated transformation. Inspired by this blog post, I solved it using two separate iterations of turning the list column into a series and then transforming the DataFrame using melt.

    import pandas as pd
    test = {
        'abc': {
            'company_id': '123c',
            'names': ['Oscar', 'John Smith', 'Smith, John'],
            'education': ['MS', 'BS']
        'DEF': {
            'company_id': '124b',
            'names': ['Matt B.'],
            'education': ['']
    frame = pd.DataFrame(test).T
    names = frame.names.apply(pd.Series)
    frame = frame.merge(
        names, left_index=True, right_index=True).drop('names', axis=1)
    frame = frame.reset_index().melt(
        id_vars=['index', 'company_id', 'education'],
        value_name='names').drop('variable', axis=1).dropna()
    education =
    frame = frame.merge(
        education, left_index=True, right_index=True).drop('education', axis=1)
    frame = frame.melt(
        id_vars=['index', 'company_id', 'names'],
        'variable', axis=1).dropna().sort_values(by=['company_id', 'names'])
    frame.columns = ['set_name', 'company_id', 'names', 'education']


      set_name company_id        names education
    2      abc       123c   John Smith        MS
    6      abc       123c   John Smith        BS
    0      abc       123c        Oscar        MS
    4      abc       123c        Oscar        BS
    3      abc       123c  Smith, John        MS
    7      abc       123c  Smith, John        BS
    1      DEF       124b      Matt B.