I am currently embedding Python in C++ using boost-python and boost-numpy. I have the following Python test script:
import numpy as np
import time
def test_qr(m,n):
print("create numpy array")
A = np.random.rand(m, n)
print("Matrix A is {}".format(A))
print("Lets QR factorize this thing! Mathematics is great !!")
ts = time.time()
Q, R = np.linalg.qr(A)
te = time.time()
print("It took {} seconds to factorize A".format(te - ts))
print("The Q matrix is {}".format(Q))
print("The R matrix is {}".format(R))
return Q,R
def sum(m,n):
return m+n
I am able to execute a part of the code in C++ like this:
namespace p = boost::python;
namespace np = boost::python::numpy;
int main() {
Py_Initialize(); //initialize python environment
np::initialize(); //initialize numpy environment
p::object main_module = p::import("__main__");
p::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// execute code in the main_namespace
p::exec_file("/Users/Michael/CLionProjects/CythonTest/test_file.py",main_namespace); //loads python script
p::exec("m = 100\n"
"n = 100\n"
"Q,R = test_qr(m,n)", main_namespace);
np::ndarray Q_matrix = p::extract<np::ndarray>(main_namespace["Q"]); // extract results as numpy array types
np::ndarray R_matrix = p::extract<np::ndarray>(main_namespace["R"]);
std::cout<<"C++ Q Matrix: \n" << p::extract<char const *>(p::str(Q_matrix)) << std::endl; // extract every element as a
std::cout<<"C++ R Matrix: \n" << p::extract<char const *>(p::str(R_matrix)) << std::endl;
std::cout<<"code also works with numpy, ask for a raise" << std::endl;
p::object sum = main_namespace.attr("sum")(10,10);
int result = p::extract<int>(main_namespace.attr("sum")(10,10));
std::cout<<"sum result works " << result << std::endl;
return 0;}
Now I am trying to use the sum function in the Python script but I do not always want to write a string like:
p::exec("m = 100\n"
"n = 100\n"
"Q,R = test_qr(m,n)", main_namespace);}
How can this be done without using the exec function?
I have tried things like:
p::object sum = main_namespace.attr("sum")(10,10);
int result = p::extract<int>(main_namespace.attr("sum")(10,10));
std::cout<<"sum result works " << result << std::endl;
As mentioned in the documentation of boost. I also tried using the call_method function, but it didn't work. I get either boost::python::error_already_set exception which mean there is something wrong in Python, but I do not know what. Or an exit code 11.
The issue is rather trivial. Let's look at the tutorial you mention:
object main_module = import("__main__");
object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
object ignored = exec("result = 5 ** 2", main_namespace);
int five_squared = extract<int>(main_namespace["result"]);
Notice how they extract the result
object in the last line: main_namespace["result"]
The main_namespace
object is a Python dictionary, and rather than extracting it's attribute, you're just looking for a value stored with the particular key. Hence, indexing with []
is the way to go.
C++ code:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/numpy.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace bp = boost::python;
int main()
try {
bp::object module = bp::import("__main__");
bp::object globals = module.attr("__dict__");
bp::exec_file("bpcall.py", globals);
bp::object sum_fn = globals["sum"];
int result = bp::extract<int>(sum_fn(1,2));
std::cout << "Result (C++) = " << result << "\n";
} catch (bp::error_already_set) {
Python script:
def sum(m,n):
return m+n
Result (C++) = 3