I have a question on pack zeros into bundles. For example consider the next code:
class CmplxNum(val bitwidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val real = SInt(INPUT,bitwidth.W)
val imag = SInt(INPUT,bitwidth.W)
class MyClass extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = new CmplxNum(16)
val load = Bool(INPUT)
val clr = Bool(INPUT)
val sample = RegEnable(io.in,0.S,io.load) // <-- how do i set the reset value
When(io.clr) {
sample <> sample.fromBits(0.S) // <-- I tried this it compiles, but dont know if it is correct
How do I pack zeros into this Bundle in the RegEnable & clr cases ? For RegEnable I've got elaboration error of type miss-match which make sense
Here is one way. It relies on the relatively new BundleLiterals (new CmplxNum(16)).Lit(_.real -> 0.S, _.imag -> 0.S)
. I have also refactored your code a little bit to use the current chisel3 idioms. Without a specific need I would not recommend placing your Input/Output in Bundle. Also the more modern way is to wrap the IO fields in Input() or Output()
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.RegEnable
import chisel3.experimental.BundleLiterals._
class CmplxNum(val bitwidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val real = SInt(bitwidth.W)
val imag = SInt(bitwidth.W)
class MyClass extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = Input(new CmplxNum(16))
val load = Input(Bool())
val clr = Input(Bool())
val sample = RegEnable(
init = (new CmplxNum(16)).Lit(_.real -> 0.S, _.imag -> 0.S),
enable = io.load
when(io.clr) {
sample <> sample.fromBits(0.S) // <-- I tried this it compiles, but dont know if it is correct