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Jekyll is putting spaces around my id names making them useless

Jeykll is outputting catergory_name and tag_name variables with spaces around it, which is destroying my IDs used with the variable.

Has anyone seen this before?

<a class="link" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/categories/#{{category_name}}">{{category_name}}</a>

The output on website with a category name of pizza. Notice the category name (pizza) in the URL has a space before and after.

<a class="link" href="/categories/# pizza ">pizza</a>


  • I am unable to reproduce the leading whitespace in my test environment so the best I can do is suggest a workaround.

    You can try to trim all leading and trailing whitespaces in your {{category_name}} Liquid variable with strip [1].

    {{ category_name | strip }}
