I'm trying to customize ExtentReports 4.0.9 When I'm opening report after test fails, It displays screenshot as very small thumbnails. How can i increase size of the Thumbnail.
I've tried extent-config.xml
<!-- custom styles -->
.featherlight-image { border: 1px solid #f6f7fa; cursor: zoom-in; width: 100px; }
Screenshot is : https://i.sstatic.net/HQ37j.jpg
but it didn't work. Please suggest How can i Increase the size of thumbnail.
I have researched about it and finally got the solution for my problem. I have added some CSS code from htmlreported of Extent Report 4.
htmlReporter.config().setCSS(".r-img { width: 30%; }");
report=new ExtentReports();
I have added above code when configuring ExtentReport.
I hope it will work for someone who face the same situation.