I use the nativescript-imagepicker
-plugin for a filepicker.
This returns a PHAsset
I have to copy it to a temporary directory to upload it.
Im new in iOS, so I tried a bit:
const options = PHVideoRequestOptions.new();
options.version = PHVideoRequestOptionsVersion.Current;
, options
, (avAsset, audioMix, info) => {
try {
const tempFilePath = path.join(tempFolderPath, `${Date.now()}.mp4`);
const targetURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(tempFilePath);
const exportSession = AVAssetExportSession.alloc(avAsset, AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough);
exportSession.outputUrl = targetURL;
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4;
exportSession.exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler(() => {
catch (e) {
My code crashes without error, so I don't know where to start to debug. I want a MP4, to show it in web too.
At the end I need a string (path) to a mp4 file to upload id with nativescript-background-http
Your syntax seems to be wrong
const exportSession = AVAssetExportSession.alloc().initWithAssetPresetName(avAsset, AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough);
exportSession.outputURL = targetURL;