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Prevent subpixel rendering with svg

I'm working with SVGs currently and came to a dead end.

The SVG has lines, which should scale together with zooming (so that they stay in balance: 100% width 10px --> 10% width 1px for example)

i scale all stroke-widths with this code:

var svgPath = this._svgContainer.find('svg [class*="style"]');
for (var i = 0; i < svgPath.length; ++i) {
  var newStrokeWidth = this._oldStrokeWidth[i] * (1 / (width / imgData.w));

    'stroke-width', newStrokeWidth

Where width is the new width after zoom and imgData.w is the original unscaled width.

The problem with this is, if i zoom in to far. The stroke with becomes to small and leads to sub-pixel rendering. And supposedly black lines get grey-ish.

My Idea was to clip the value at a certain point to prevent it. But as far as I know, I have to consider the Device Pixel ratio too, because of different screens (desktop, mobile, 4K)

Would be nice If someone can help me with an idea to fix my problem


  • We finally found a solution for this, in case anyone has the same problems:

    1) Because of the panning of this._$svgElement and the calculation of vpx in a completely different section of the code the element is 'between' pixels. ( 100.88945px for x for example). This causes lines to blur. I fixed this part with a simple Math.round().

    this._hammerCanvas.on('panmove', (event: any) => {
            const translate3d = 'translate3d(' + Math.round(this._oldDeltaX + ((vpx === imgData.x) ? 0 : vpx) + event.deltaX) + 'px, ' + Math.round(this._oldDeltaY + ((vpy === imgData.y) ? 0 : vpy) + event.deltaY) + 'px, 0)';
              transform: translate3d

    2) To fix the problem between the SVG viewport and the line strength, I had to implement a method to calculate the strokewidth equal to 1 'real' pixel regarding the svgs dimension.

    the updated code looks like this: (This is the inital code, after the SVG was loaded from the server. Inside the zooming, the old code from above is still the same)

        const pixelRatio = devicePixelRatio || 1;
        const widthRatio = this._initSVGWidth / svgContainerWidth;
        const heightRatio = this._initSVGHeight / svgContainerHeight;
        this._svgZoomFactor = Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio);
        const strokeWidth1px = this.computeStrokeWidth1px(widthRatio, heightRatio);
        for (let i = 0; i < svgPaths.length; ++i) {
          this._initalStrokeWidth[i] = parseFloat($(svgPaths[i]).css('stroke-width'));
          const newStrokeWidth = Math.max(strokeWidth1px / pixelRatio, this._svgZoomFactor * this._initalStrokeWidth[i]);
          $(svgPaths[i])[0].setAttribute('style', 'stroke-width:' + newStrokeWidth);
          this._oldStrokeWidth[i] = newStrokeWidth;

    and the compute:

      protected computeStrokeWidth1px (widthRatio: number, heightRatio: number): number {
        const viewBox = this._$svgElement[0].getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ');
        const viewBoxWidthRatio = parseFloat(viewBox[2]) / this._$svgElement.width();
        const viewBoxHeightRatio = parseFloat(viewBox[3]) / this._$svgElement.height();
        return widthRatio > heightRatio ? viewBoxWidthRatio : viewBoxHeightRatio;