I am trying to use JOOQ to build the following query in java programmatically:
select emisor,
sum(case when codigo = '01' then total else 0 end) as facturas,
sum(case when codigo = '03' then total else 0 end) as boletas,
sum(case when codigo = '07' then total else 0 end) as notas_credito,
sum(case when codigo = '08' then total else 0 end) as notas_debito,
sum(case when codigo = 'RC' then total else 0 end) as resumenes,
sum(case when codigo = 'RA' then total else 0 end) as anulaciones,
sum(case when codigo = '40' then total else 0 end) as percepciones,
sum(case when codigo = '20' then total else 0 end) as retenciones,
sum(case when codigo = 'RV' then total else 0 end) as reversiones,
sum(case when codigo = '09' then total else 0 end) as guias
from (select ruc_emisor as emisor,
year(fec_registro) as anio,
month(fec_registro) as mes,
substring(nom_solicitud, 13, 2) as codigo,
count(*) as total
from bd_ose.tx_solicitud
where year(fec_registro) = '2019'
and month(fec_registro) = 7
group by ruc_emisor, anio, mes, codigo
select num_ruc as emisor,
year(fec_registro) as anio,
month(fec_registro) as mes,
cod_cpe as codigo,
count(*) as total
from bd_ose.tx_comprobante_inf
where year(fec_registro) = '2019'
and month(fec_registro) = 7
group by num_ruc, anio, mes, codigo
) solicitudes
group by emisor, anio, mes
order by emisor;
I am still fairly inexperienced when it comes to SQL and JOOQ, but I decided to begin from the inside and work my way out. The problem I am having comes when I try to apply the .union() method to the two inner subqueries. I am getting a type missmatch error highlighted by my IDE pointing out that union expects a parameter of type "org.jooq.Select<..." while the one I am providing is of type "org.jooq.SelectHavingStep<..." - this is the type returned from .groupBy()
I have already checked the documentation on [union docs] (https://www.jooq.org/doc/3.11/manual/sql-building/sql-statements/select-statement/union-clause/) and tried looking for similar cases elsewhere but unfortunately havent been successful yet.
Here's what I have so far:
package pe.net.tci.osereporterservice;
import org.jooq.*;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import pe.net.tci.osereporterservice.jooq.tables.TxComprobanteInf;
import pe.net.tci.osereporterservice.jooq.tables.TxSolicitud;
import java.util.List;
public class ReportDAO {
private final DSLContext dslContext;
TxComprobanteInf txComprobanteInf = TxComprobanteInf.TX_COMPROBANTE_INF;
TxSolicitud txSolicitud = TxSolicitud.TX_SOLICITUD;
public ReportDAO(DSLContext dslContext) {
this.dslContext = dslContext;
public List<ReportEntry> produceReport() {
Field<Integer> CIanio = DSL.year(txComprobanteInf.FEC_REGISTRO).as("anio");
Field<Integer> CImes = DSL.month(txComprobanteInf.FEC_REGISTRO).as("mes");
Field<?> CIemisor = txComprobanteInf.NUM_RUC.as("emisor");
Field<?> CIcodigo = txComprobanteInf.COD_CPE.as("codigo");
Field<Integer> Sanio = DSL.year(txSolicitud.FEC_REGISTRO).as("anio");
Field<Integer> Smes = DSL.month(txSolicitud.FEC_REGISTRO).as("mes");
Field<?> Semisor = dslContext.select(txSolicitud.RUC_EMISOR.as("emisor");
Field<?> Scodigo = DSL.substring(txSolicitud.NOM_SOLICITUD, 13, 2).as("codigo");
).groupBy(CIemisor, CIanio, CImes, CIcodigo))
//...more code
Any help translating this SQL into JOOQ or pointing out useful resources to do with this will be greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that you are declaring some variables as of type Field<?>
and that the Java compiler as a result doesn't see the two Select
objects as being compatible. So instead of:
Field<?> CIemisor = txComprobanteInf.NUM_RUC.as("emisor");
Field<?> CIcodigo = txComprobanteInf.COD_CPE.as("codigo");
you should declare the two variables using the appropriate generic type parameter. E.g.
Field<String> CIemisor = txComprobanteInf.NUM_RUC.as("emisor");
Field<String> CIcodigo = txComprobanteInf.COD_CPE.as("codigo");
The same goes for the other two variables. (I noticed that for the variable Semisor
you need to get rid of the dslContext.select(
part in the initializer. I assume this is related to a test you did.)
I think this change should resolve your problems.