I am trying to put different data from cgi output in different DIV Did that with below code, but now when new data comes, it appends the DIV, I want to replace the DIV data and not append it.
I am new to this, As I am a hardware engg. do not know much of coding.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<div id="d1" style="width: 25%; height: 200px; ">
<div id="d2" style="width: 25%; height: 200px; ">
var source = new EventSource('/cgi-bin/data.cgi');
source.onmessage = function(e) {
var o = document.getElementById("d1");
o.innerHTML += e.data1 + '<br>';
var x = document.getElementById("d2");
x.innerHTML += e.data2 + '<br>';
Just want to replace existing data in D1 with new data which is coming from CGI.
You just need to do the following.
o.innerHTML = e.data1 + '<br>';
just remove that "+" before "="