I'm developing my own discord bot, my issues are the embeds, are there some trick or modules in node.js that can help me beautify those?
The only thing I had to try were the default embeds, which to be fair I don't like much
else if (message.content.startsWith(`${ prefix }queue`)) {
if (!serverQueue){
message.channel.send('Nothing playing');
embed: {
color: 13702935,
description: `**Song Queue**
${serverQueue.songs.map(song => `**-**${song.title}`).join("\n")}
**Now Playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title}
var embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor('Song Queue',message.guild.iconURL) //<- optional
.addField(`Song Queue`,`${serverQueue.songs.map(song => `**-**${song.title}`).join("\n")}`,true)
.addField(`Now Playing`,`${serverQueue.songs[0].title}`,true)
.setFooter(`${message.author.tag}`, message.author.avatarURL)