I have only recently started exploring C++ Eigen library and a little puzzled with some of the documentation. It would be great if someone can clarify this.
In the common pitfalls (https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/TopicPitfalls.html) Alignment Issues section, it says " Indeed, since C++17, C++ does not have quite good enough support for explicit data alignment.".
The page on how to get rid of alignment issues (https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicUnalignedArrayAssert.html#getrid), the documentation says, "If you can target [c++17] only with a recent compiler (e.g., GCC>=7, clang>=5, MSVC>=19.12), then you're lucky: enabling c++17 should be enough" .
So is alignment not an issue with Eigen Matrix if I am using c++ 17 with gcc>=7.0? Have I understood this right? And that the macro EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW won't be needed? And if this is correct, what is different between c++14/c++17 which takes care of the alignment issues?
The second question is regarding the pass-by-value section (https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicPassingByValue.html). The documentation claims that pass-by-value could be illegal and could crash the program. This is very puzzling to me. Wouldn't pass-by-value just invoke a copy constructor? As an example.
Eigen::Vector3f veca = ComputeVecA();
Eigen::Vector3f vecb = veca; //< If pass-by-value is unsafe, is this operation safe?
Q1: as already commented, this was a typo when updating this paragraph for c++17. This is already fixed.
Q2: I don't remember all the details about this one but it is related to two technical issues.
keyword this is not an issue anymore, but maybe this is still a problem on some exotic compiler-OS combinations.Q3: there is nothing preventing RVO/NRVO, and from my experience when it can apply it does apply.