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org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role in another environment

Good day,

Know that this title is all around stack overflow and there is multiple solution as well.

But there is a bit different in this case, which I not sure where should I continue to troubleshoot.

In my entity class, I have the following code:

public abstract class BaseUser< T extends BasePasswordHistory > extends
        AuditModel implements IDeletable, IEditable, UserProfile {

// some other code here...
        @OneToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, mappedBy = "user")
        @OrderBy("passwordHistoryId desc")
        public Set< T > getPasswordHistories() {
            return passwordHistories;
// some other code here...


And the following is part of the code I call the password history in ManagerImpl level,

 Set< T > histories = user.getPasswordHistories( );
 for ( T history : histories ) { // exception at this line in another environment

The is still under the same hibernate transaction, thus, it is able to load the passwordHistory object even its lazy fetch type. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

These code is working fine in the original environment (lets name it env A) , until I deploy the same code into another environment (lets name it env B), and it will hit LazyInitializationException like title.

I check for the WAS version, found that the version have some different. enter image description here

Actually I dun think these is the reason to hit the exception. But I really have no idea why the same code not working in different environment. Any point I should check further?

Here I post my stacktrace:

2019-06-25 17:17:47.967 [WebContainer : 3] ERROR c.c.i.c.c.u.e.ExceptionHandler - [cvmaker123] - Exception occurred
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:, no session or session was closed
    at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException( ~[hibernate-core-3.3.1.GA.jar:3.3.1.GA]
    at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationExceptionIfNotConnected( ~[hibernate-core-3.3.1.GA.jar:3.3.1.GA]
    at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.initialize( ~[hibernate-core-3.3.1.GA.jar:3.3.1.GA]
    at ~[hibernate-core-3.3.1.GA.jar:3.3.1.GA]
    at org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet.iterator( ~[hibernate-core-3.3.1.GA.jar:3.3.1.GA]
    at ~[]
    at ~[]
    at ~[]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:2.6 (10-05-2016)]
    at ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke( ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( ~[org.springframework.aop-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar:3.0.4.RELEASE]
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy464.updatePassword(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
    at ~[]

And the following is part of the code:

public class ChangePasswordCommandHandler implements
        CommandHandler< ChangePasswordCommand, Integer > {

    private UserManager userManager;

    public Integer execute(ChangePasswordCommand command)
            throws BaseException {

        return userManager.updatePassword( user, command.getNewPassword( ),
                command.isResetPWD( ) );

public class UserManagerImpl extends
        BaseUserManagerImpl< User, PasswordHistory > implements
        UserManager {
    public int updatePassword(User user, String newPassword,
            boolean isResetPWD) throws BaseException {
         User entity = findById( user.getUserId( ) );
         final String newHash = getNewPasswordHash( entity, newPassword );
         entity = verifyPasswordHistory( entity, entity.getPassword( ),
                    newHash, isResetPWD );
         return 1;

public abstract class BaseUserManagerImpl< T extends BaseUser< U >, U extends BasePasswordHistory >
        extends BaseManagerImpl< T, Long > implements BaseUserManager< T, U >,
        UserProfileService {
    final protected T verifyPasswordHistory(final T user, String oldHash,
            String newHash, boolean isResetPWD) {
        final int reuseNo = getMaxPassowrdhistory( );
        Set< U > histories = user.getPasswordHistories( );
        for ( U history : histories ) { // exception at this line in another environment

Kindly advise.


  • Finally I found what is wrong for this case. The WAS Java SDK for this project is pointing to Java 1.7. However, the code is compile using Java 1.6.

    I found this when I check the WAS classloader directory. After change Java SDK in WAS Console to Java 1.7, the problem solved.