This might be a duplicate with Difference in Months between two dates in JavaScript but I need to calculate the number of months PER YEAR if the inputs have multiple years.
For example:
Start Date: 2019-05-08
End Date: 2022-05-08
So that would be 3 Years but 4 Outputs in total. I need to get Number of Months per year.
startDate = "2019-08-05" // YYY-MM-DD
payOffDate = "2022-08-05"
function monthDiff(date1, date2){
months = (date2.getFullYear() - date1.getFullYear()) * 12;
months -= date1.getMonth() + 1;
months += date2.getMonth();
return months <= 0 ? 0 : months;
new Date(startDate),
new Date(payOffDate)
); // 35 Months
In this case, it would output 35 Months by the given two inputs (startDate, payOffDate) but I wish to output them separately per year with only those two date range (not manually inputting August 2019 - Dec 2019, Jan 2022 - Aug 2022, etc)
2019 [August - December] = 4 Months
2020 [January - December] = 12 Months
2021 [January - December] = 12 Months
2022 [January - August] = 7 Months
Note: Adjust your month number ambiguity. The code itself describes all.
const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
d1 = new Date("2019-08-05") // YYY-MM-DD
d2 = new Date("2022-08-05")
//Start and End Years
var start_y = d1.getFullYear();
var end_y = d2.getFullYear();
//Start and End months
var start_m = d1.getMonth();
var end_m = d2.getMonth();
var m1,m2;
//Loop all years
for( var i = start_y; i<= end_y; i++){
m2 = (i == end_y) ? end_m : 11;
m1 = (i == start_y) ? start_m : 0;
let t1 = new Date(i,m1,1), t2 = new Date(i,m2,1);
var diff = monthDiff( t1, t2);
console.log(`${i}[${monthNames[m1]} - ${monthNames[m2]}] = ${diff}`);
function monthDiff(date1, date2){
return date2.getMonth()+1 - date1.getMonth();