we need to process an "string" and surround all text between '*' and '**' with <strong></strong>
and similarly the text between backTic with <code> </code>
. Now I have written the logic, and it works fine as well, but I am sure, there must be a better way as it is too much code for this simple task of string processing. Following is my code. Appreciate any suggestions.
input = "*within single star* and **within double start** and this is `backtick string`"
output = "<strong>within single star</strong> and <strong>within double start</strong> and this is <code>backtick string</code>"
transform(data: any) {
if (data) {
const processDblStar = (input) => {
const regExforDoubleStar = /(\*\*)+/gi;
let i = 0;
const result = input.replace(regExforDoubleStar, (match, matchedStr, offset) => {
return i % 2 === 0 ? '</strong>' : '<strong>';
return result;
const processSingleStar = (input) => {
const regExforSingleStar = /(\*)+/gi;
let i = 0;
const result = input.replace(regExforSingleStar, (match, matchedStr, offset) => {
return i % 2 === 0 ? '</strong>' : '<strong>';
return result;
const processBackTick = (input) => {
const regExforBackTick = /(\`)+/gi;
let i = 0;
const result = input.replace(regExforBackTick, (match, matchedStr, offset) => {
return i % 2 === 0 ? '</code>' : '<code>';
return result;
const processPipeline = (functions) => (inputStr) => functions.reduce((result, fn) => fn(result), inputStr);
const funcArr: Function[] = [];
if (data.indexOf('`') >= 0) {
if (data.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
if (data.indexOf('**') >= 0) {
You can use regex to group all the text between **
and *
. Using this group, you can then use it in your replacing string by referencing it using $1
. We can also do the same thing with the backticks, however, instead, surround the matched group in <code></code>
const str = '*within single star* and **within double start** and this is `backtick string`';
const proccessPipeline = s =>
s.replace(/\*{1,2}(.*?)\*{1,2}/g, '<strong>$1</strong>')
.replace(/`(.*?)`/g, '<code>$1</code>');
const res = proccessPipeline(str);
document.body.innerHTML = res;