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How to delete item from Hashmap inside a RefCell within an RwLock-ed Struct

I have a struct:

pub struct CommunityContents {
    pub friends: RefCell<HashMap<FriendID, FriendData>>, 
    pub index: RefCell<HashMap<u64, BTreeMap<FriendID, FriendData>>>, 
    pub authenticated: bool,
    pub age: u64,     
    pub height: u64,

Which is protected with a RwLock with a parent struct:

pub struct Community {
    pub community_contents: RwLock<CommunityContents>,

pub struct FriendData {
    pointer: Rc<Data>,

pub struct Data {
    pub key: Key,
    pub friend_ids: Vec<FriendID>,

I want to be able to modify the data inside index. I have no problems inserting data into index doing write() to CommunityContents and a borrow_mut().insert(…) for the BtreeMap inside index.

My problem is deleting elements from BtreeMap, given FriendID. My rough attempt is:

pub fn delete_family(community: &Self, friend_id: FriendID) {
    //get community contents
    let mut g = community.community_contents.write().expect("Lock is poisoned");
    //get friend from inside friends name of community contents
    let mut friend = g.friends.borrow_mut().get(&friend_id).unwrap().pointer.clone();
    // get id attri
    let mut friend_key = friend.key;
    let mut a = g.index.borrow_mut().get(&friend_key);
    let mut c = a.unwrap();

And I get the error cannot borrow as mutable. I've tried various things which has made my code above a bit messy.

Edit: sorry I missed out the FriendData and Data structs in my question.


  • After making some guesses about the missing types from your example code, I see two errors:

    error[E0716]: temporary value dropped while borrowed
      --> src/
    37 |         let mut a = g.index.borrow_mut().get(&friend_key);
       |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 - temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
       |                     |
       |                     creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
    38 |         let mut c = a.unwrap();
       |                     - borrow later used here
       = note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived value
    error[E0596]: cannot borrow `*c` as mutable, as it is behind a `&` reference
      --> src/
    38 |         let mut c = a.unwrap();
       |             ----- help: consider changing this to be a mutable reference: `&mut std::collections::BTreeMap<u64, FriendData>`
    39 |         c.remove(&friend_key);
       |         ^ `c` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be borrowed as mutable

    The first one can be fixed by following the suggestion - use a new variable to ensure that the temporary value (underlined in the error message) lives long enough:

    let mut tmp = g.index.borrow_mut();
    let mut a = tmp.get(&friend_key);

    Now the borrowed value, tmp lives right to the end of the function, outliving a which needs to borrow from it.

    The second error and suggestion might be harder to understand. a is an Option<&BTreeMap> but after unwrapping it you are trying to mutate it, so that reference needs to be mutable. The Option<&BTreeMap> comes from the call to get, so you need to find a way to get a mutable reference instead. you can do that with a different method, get_mut, which will return the Option<&mut BTreeMap> that you need:

    let mut tmp = g.index.borrow_mut();
    let mut a = tmp.get_mut(&friend_key);