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PHP word not replace text in doc

I am trying to make a replacement in a .docx document

public function replace($seach, $replace)
    $file = base_path() . '/public/templates/test.docx';

    $phpword = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor($file);

    $phpword->setValue('%name%', 'Santosh');
    $phpword->setValue('{lastname}', 'Achari');
    $phpword->setValue('{name}', 'Achari');
    $phpword->setValue('{officeAddress}', 'Yahoo');


This code replace in { }, but not replace for %%


  • According to the documentation page about Template processing the { } brackets are indeed the default, and looking at the code for the setValue function no way seems to be built-in to use a different prefix and suffix.

    This issue shows one possible way, but it requires modifying the source of the PHPWord package itself.