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Why generated parser issues syntax error?

I am trying to write a simple grammar which accepts statements of the form

     7 = var int
     9 = abc float

But with the following LEX and YACC code, the generated parser issues syntax error (Calls yyerror)

LEX :---

[0-9]+      { yylval.num = atof(yytext); return NUM; }
"int"       return INT;
"float"     return FLOAT;
[a-z]+      {  yylval.str = strdup(yytext); return ID; }
\n              /* Ignore end of lines */
[ \t]+          /* Ignore white spaces and tabs */


commands: /* empty */
    | commands command


int_exp: exp INT                                                                        

float_exp: exp FLOAT

exp : NUM '=' ID



  • You need to define a token for '=' in your lex file and use its terminal symbol name instead of '=' in your grammar definition.

    [0-9]+      { yylval.num = atof(yytext); return NUM; }
    "int"       return INT;
    "float"     return FLOAT;
    [a-z]+      {  yylval.str = strdup(yytext); return ID; }
    \n              /* Ignore end of lines */
    [ \t]+          /* Ignore white spaces and tabs */
    "="         return ASSIGN;
    exp : NUM ASSIGN ID