If I'm mocking a class, like below, is there any way I can get the mock to not override a virtual method? I know I can simply remove the virtual modifier, but I actually want to stub out behavior for this method later.
In other words, how can I get this test to pass, other than removing the virtual modifier:
namespace Sandbox {
public class classToMock {
public int IntProperty { get; set; }
public virtual void DoIt() {
IntProperty = 1;
public class Foo {
static void Main(string[] args) {
classToMock c = MockRepository.GenerateMock<classToMock>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, c.IntProperty);
You want to use a partial mock, which will only override the method when you create an expectation:
classToMock c = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<classToMock>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, c.IntProperty);