I'm new to go programming language and just wanted to write a small web app project with a good architecture.
I get some specific recangle objects through a post request.
type Rectangle struct {
X int //starting x coordinate
Y int //starting y coordinate
Width int
Height int
CreatedAt time.Time
I decided to choose redis for storing because it has high performance and I wanted to get my hands on that.
I have a bit confusion here :
There is no specific key in the object's nature for storing, so I came up with the idea of auto incremention of keys but still stuck how to that because as I studied the pattern for insertion, it's something like:
json, err := json.Marshal(rectangle)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = connection.Do("SET", key, json)
if err != nil {
return err
As you can see, I'm stuck what to write in the key field. I saw the Redis commands "INCR" but it seems none make sense for this pattern.
connection.Do("HGETALL", "*", rectangles[])
command help me get an array of all rectangles in the databse?A list meets the requirements set forth in the question.
Add rectangle:
_, err := c.Do("RPUSH", "rectangles", rectJSON).
Get all rectangles:
rectJSONs, err := redis.ByteSlices(c.Do("LRANGE" "rectangles", 0, -1))
if err != nil {
// handle error
var rectangles []*Rectangle
for _, rj := range rectJSONS {
var r Rectangle
if err := json.Unmarshal(rj, &r); err != nil {
// handle error
rectangles = append(rectangles, &r)