I am using Jenkins Pipeline, Blue Ocean and I have Job "A".
I Built Job "A", So i have
Build Number 1
Build Number 2
I want to restart Build Number 2 ==> it will create Build Number 3.
So, Parent Build will be 2 and Child Build 3.
So, How can print Parent Build number?
For example in Build 3 will print 2.
So, Is their env Variable that held the Parent Build Number ?
I made an work around using groovy Regular Expressions - regexes to grep build logs, looking for " Restarted from build #\d ".
If i found it, it means that build is restarted and if not that's mean it is a new build not depending on another build .
Is their another solution ?
because i think my solution is not the best and may be standard of logs will be changed in the future