I'm learning React and trying to figure out the best way to dynamically add props. I know two approaches how to do that, but cannot understand which one is better and faster.
First way is to use React.cloneElement api
const Parent = ({ children }) => {
const child = React.cloneElement(children, { newProp: 'some new prop' });
return child;
const Child = ({ newProp }) => <div>{newProp}</div>;
const App = () => (
<Child />
The second way is to use "render props" pattern, described on official React site: Render Props
const Parent = ({ render }) => {
const newProp = 'some new prop';
return render(newProp);
const Child = ({ newProp }) => <div>{newProp}</div>;
const App = () => (
<Parent render={props => <Child newProp={props} />} />
Both approaches give same results, but I don't know what is going on under the hood and which way to use.
is a helper that's usually used to pass inline-props
to avoid polluted codes. Instead of passing a prop down like this:
return <Child propA={myProps.propA} propB={myProps.propB} />
You can do this:
return React.cloneElement(Child, {...myProps})
Which is almost the same as:
return <Child {...myProps} />
The only difference here is that cloneElement
will preserve previously attached refs
Now renderProps
is a technique to reuse stateful logic
and has different applications than cloneElement
. The first will help you with props
manipulation, the second is an equivalent to High Order Components
and is used whenever you want to reuse some logic to dinamically inject props into your children:
class Animation extends Component{
state = {}
const { customProps } = this.state
const { children } = this.props
return children(customProps)