I’m currently working on a project where I am using Wix
for the installer. My application is developed using .net core
and having appsettings.json
as a configuration file.
I would like to update the values on the appsettings.json
with the values which passed as a parameter during command-line installation
For example, I am passing value 500
through parameter BUFFER.SIZE
msiexec.exe /i c:\PathToMyMsi\MyMsi.msi BUFFER.SIZE="500" /L*vx c:\PathToMyLog.txt
To achieve this, I have defined property
and custom action
in Product.wxs
as follow
<Property Id="BUFFER.SIZE" />
<Binary Id="GetParameters.CA" SourceFile="..\..\Installer\CustomActions\bin\$(var.Configuration)\CustomActions.CA.dll" />
<CustomAction Id="GetParValues"
Impersonate="no" />
<Custom Action="GetParValues" After="InstallFiles"><![CDATA[NOT Installed]]></Custom>
Here is my custom action
public static ActionResult ConfigureBufferSize(Session session)
session.Log("Begin ConfigureBufferSize");
string size = "size = "+ session["BUFFER.SIZE"];
session.Log(size); // I do not see any log like "size = 50"
session.Log("End ConfigureBufferSize");
return ActionResult.Success;
catch (Exception e)
return ActionResult.Failure;
But, I am stuck here because I am not able to read the values inside the custom function. the log does not contain below string
"size = 500"
But, I see values in log as follow.
MSI (c) (D0:54) [10:47:06:515]: Command Line: BUFFER.SIZE=500
MSI (s) (84:DC) [10:47:19:361]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding BUFFER.SIZE property. Its value is '500'.
Property(C): BUFFER.SIZE = 500
How do I read these values in custom action and update the appsettings.json
I tried to useComponent
as follow but it's not executing post installation
<Component Id="config" Guid="*">
<File Id="appconfig" Source="$(var.BasePath)\appsettings.json" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes"/>
Id="_pathFormat_" File="$(var.BasePath)\appsettings.json"
Name="pathFormat" Value="[BUFFER.SIZE]"
Sequence='1' />
This is how I am able to get the passed values in custom actions
Declare a property
<Property Id="BUFFER.SIZE" Secure="yes"/>
Define the Binary
<Binary Id="CustomActionDLL" SourceFile="..\..\Installer\CustomActions\CustomActions\bin\$(var.Configuration)\CustomActions.CA.dll" />
Define custom actions
<CustomAction Id="SetGetParsValues"
<CustomAction Id="GetParsValues"
Impersonate="no" />
Set up the installation sequence
<Custom Action="GetParsValues" After="InstallFiles"><![CDATA[NOT Installed]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="SetGetParsValues" Before="GetParsValues"><![CDATA[NOT Installed]]></Custom>
Now, I am able to see the passed parameters in the log.
But, when I try to pass json
file path, it fails
<Property Id="APPLICATION.PATH" Secure="yes" Value="$(var.BasePath)\appsettings.json;"/>
<CustomAction Id="SetFilePathID"
This fails.
You can't use session["BUFFER.SIZE"]
in a deferred custom action.
To pass a property from the MSI into a deferred custom action you need to use another action to set the value and then read that value in your custom action using a slightly different mechanism.
On the wixtoolset page for custom action you'll see it has a special mention in the Property description pointing to this microsoft article which talks about how getting context in a deferred custom action works.
An important thing to note about the second action is that its property value must be an exact match to the deferred custom action's Id value.
<CustomAction Id="SetGetParsValues" Property="GetParsValues" Value="BUFFER.SIZE=[BUFFER.SIZE]" />
<Custom Action="SetGetParsValues" Before="GetParsValues"><![CDATA[NOT Installed]]></Custom>
then in your custom action you can access the value by changing your session["BUFFER.SIZE"]
to be session.CustomActionData["BUFFER.SIZE"]
It might also be useful for you to know about [#FileId]
which gets evaluated as the install location of a component's File using the File's Id value. Then you can pass in two values to your custom action by updating the Value in the SetGetParsValues custom action to be Value="BUFFER.SIZE=[BUFFER.SIZE];JsonFilePath=[#JsonFileId]"
. I'm not 100% sure doing [#JsonFileId]
will work there so you can also just set a property value before that and use the property value in the Custom action's Value.