First of all let's say I have two separated aggregates Basket and Order in an e-commerece website.
Basket aggregate has two entities Basket(which is the aggregate root) and BaskItem defined as following(I have removed factories and other aggregate methods for simplicity):
public class Basket : BaseEntity, IAggregateRoot
public int Id { get; set; }
public string BuyerId { get; private set; }
private readonly List<BasketItem> items = new List<BasketItem>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<BasketItem> Items
return items.AsReadOnly();
public class BasketItem : BaseEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal UnitPrice { get; private set; }
public int Quantity { get; private set; }
public string CatalogItemId { get; private set; }
The second aggregate which is Order has Order as aggregate root and OrderItem as entity and Address and CatalogueItemOrdered as value objects defined as following:
public class Order : BaseEntity, IAggregateRoot
public int Id { get; set; }
public string BuyerId { get; private set; }
public readonly List<OrderItem> orderItems = new List<OrderItem>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<OrderItem> OrderItems
return orderItems.AsReadOnly();
public DateTimeOffset OrderDate { get; private set; } = DateTimeOffset.Now;
public Address DeliverToAddress { get; private set; }
public string Notes { get; private set; }
public class OrderItem : BaseEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public CatalogItemOrdered ItemOrdered { get; private set; }
public decimal Price { get; private set; }
public int Quantity { get; private set; }
public class CatalogItemOrdered
public int CatalogItemId { get; private set; }
public string CatalogItemName { get; private set; }
public string PictureUri { get; private set; }
public class Address
public string Street { get; private set; }
public string City { get; private set; }
public string State { get; private set; }
public string Country { get; private set; }
public string ZipCode { get; private set; }
Now If the user wants to checkout after adding several items to basket there are several actions should be applied:
Updating Basket(maybe some items' quantity has been changed)
Adding/Setting new Order
Deleting the basket(or flag as deleted in DB)
Paying via CreditCard using specific Payment gateway.
As I can see there are several transactions should be executed because depending on DDD in every transaction only one aggregate should be changed.
So could you please guide me to how can I implement that(maybe by using Eventual consistency) in a way I don't break DDD principles?
I appreciate any references or resources
The most important thing that your model is missing is behavior. Your classes are holding only data, sometimes with public setters when they shouldn't (like Basket.Id
). Domain entities must define methods to operate on their data.
What you got right is that you have the aggregate root enclosing its children (e.g. Basket with a private list of Items). An aggregate is supposed to be treated like an atom, so everytime you load or persist a basket to the database, you'll be treating the Basket and Items as a single whole. This will even make things as lot easier for you.
This is a model of mine for a very similar domain:
public class Cart : AggregateRoot
private const int maxQuantityPerProduct = 10;
private const decimal minCartAmountForCheckout = 50m;
private readonly List<CartItem> items = new List<CartItem>();
public Cart(EntityId customerId) : base(customerId)
CustomerId = customerId;
IsClosed = false;
public EntityId CustomerId { get; }
public bool IsClosed { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<CartItem> Items => items;
public decimal TotalAmount => items.Sum(item => item.TotalAmount);
public Result CanAdd(Product product, Quantity quantity)
var newQuantity = quantity;
var existing = items.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Product == product);
if (existing != null)
newQuantity += existing.Quantity;
if (newQuantity > maxQuantityPerProduct)
return Result.Fail("Cannot add more than 10 units of each product.");
return Result.Ok();
public void Add(Product product, Quantity quantity)
CanAdd(product, quantity)
.OnFailure(error => throw new Exception(error));
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
if (items[i].Product == product)
items[i] = items[i].Add(quantity);
items.Add(new CartItem(product, quantity));
public void Remove(Product product)
var existing = items.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Product == product);
if (existing != null)
public void Remove(Product product, Quantity quantity)
var existing = items.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Product == product);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
if (items[i].Product == product)
items[i] = items[i].Remove(quantity);
if (existing != null)
existing = existing.Remove(quantity);
public Result CanCloseForCheckout()
if (IsClosed)
return Result.Fail("The cart is already closed.");
if (TotalAmount < minCartAmountForCheckout)
return Result.Fail("The total amount should be at least 50 dollars in order to proceed to checkout.");
return Result.Ok();
public void CloseForCheckout()
.OnFailure(error => throw new Exception(error));
IsClosed = true;
AddDomainEvent(new CartClosedForCheckout(this));
public override string ToString()
return $"{CustomerId}, Items {items.Count}, Total {TotalAmount}";
And the class for the Items:
public class CartItem : ValueObject<CartItem>
internal CartItem(Product product, Quantity quantity)
Product = product;
Quantity = quantity;
public Product Product { get; }
public Quantity Quantity { get; }
public decimal TotalAmount => Product.UnitPrice * Quantity;
public CartItem Add(Quantity quantity)
return new CartItem(Product, Quantity + quantity);
public CartItem Remove(Quantity quantity)
return new CartItem(Product, Quantity - quantity);
public override string ToString()
return $"{Product}, Quantity {Quantity}";
protected override bool EqualsCore(CartItem other)
return Product == other.Product && Quantity == other.Quantity;
protected override int GetHashCodeCore()
return Product.GetHashCode() ^ Quantity.GetHashCode();
Some important things to note:
and CartItem
are one thing. They are loaded from the database as a single unit, then persisted back as such, in one transaction;CanAdd
and the Add
methods. Consumers of this class should first call CanAdd
and propagate possible errors up to the user. If Add
is called without prior validation, than Add
will check with CanAdd
and throw an exception if any invariant were to be violated, and throwing an exception is the right thing to do here because getting to Add
without first checking with CanAdd
represents a bug in the software, an error by committed the programmers;Cart
is an entity, it has an Id, but CartItem
is a ValueObject an has no Id. A customer could repeat a purchase with the same items and it would still be a different Cart, but a CartItem with the same properties (quantity, price, itemname) is always the same - it is the combination of its properties that make up its identity.So, consider the rules of my domain:
These are enforced by the aggregate root and there's no way of misusing the classes in any way that would allow breaking the invariants.
You can see the full model here: Shopping Cart Model
Updating Basket (maybe some items' quantity has been changed)
Have a method in the Basket
class that will be responsible for operating changes to the basket items (adding, removing, changing quantity).
Adding/Setting new Order
It seems like an Order would reside in another Bounded Context. In that case, you would have a method like Basket.ProceedToCheckout
that would mark itself as closed and would propagate a DomainEvent, which would in turn be picked up in the Order Bounded Context and an Order would be added/created.
But if you decide that the Order in your domain is part of the same BC as the Basket, you can have a DomainService that will deal with two aggregates at once: it would call Basket.ProceedToCheckout
and, if no error is thrown, it would the create an Order
aggregate from it. Note that this is an operation that spans two aggregates, and so it has been moved from the aggregate to the DomainService.
Note that a database transaction is not needed here in order the ensure the correctness of the state of the domain.
You can call Basket.ProceedToCheckout
, which would change its internal state by setting a Closed
property to true
. Then the creation of the Order could go wrong and you would not need to rollback the Basket.
You could fix the error in the software, the customer could attempt to checkout once more and your logic would simply check whether the Basket is already closed and has a corresponding Order. If not, it would carry out only the necessary steps, skipping those already completed. This is what we call Idempotency.
Deleting the basket(or flag as deleted in DB)
You should really think more about that. Talk to the domain experts, because we don't delete anything the real world, and you probably shouldn't delete a basket in your domain. Because this is information that most likely has value to the business, like knowing which baskets were abandoned and then the marketing dept. could promote an action with discounts to bring back these customers so that they can buy.
I recommend you read this article: Don't Delete - Just Don't, by Udi Dahan. He dives deep in the subject.
Paying via CreditCard using specific Payment gateway
Payment Gateway is infrastructure, your Domain should not know anything about it (even interfaces should be declared in another layer). In terms of software architecture, more specifically in the Onion Architecture, I recommend you define these classes:
namespace Domain
public class PayOrderCommand : ICommand
public Guid OrderId { get; }
public PaymentInformation PaymentInformation { get; }
public PayOrderCommand(Guid orderId, PaymentInformation paymentInformation)
OrderId = orderId;
PaymentInformation = paymentInformation;
namespace Application
public class PayOrderCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<PayOrderCommand>
private readonly IPaymentGateway paymentGateway;
private readonly IOrderRepository orderRepository;
public PayOrderCommandHandler(IPaymentGateway paymentGateway, IOrderRepository orderRepository)
this.paymentGateway = paymentGateway;
this.orderRepository = orderRepository;
public Result Handle(PayOrderCommand command)
var order = orderRepository.Find(command.OrderId);
var items = GetPaymentItems(order);
var result = paymentGateway.Pay(command.PaymentInformation, items);
if (result.IsFailure)
return result;
return Result.Ok();
private List<PaymentItems> GetPaymentItems(Order order)
// TODO: convert order items to payment items.
public interface IPaymentGateway
Result Pay(PaymentInformation paymentInformation, IEnumerable<PaymentItems> paymentItems);
I hope this has given you some insight.