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Blocking Assignments on SIGNALS in VHDL

enter image description hereI am making an FSM with VHDL. The simplest possible when valid = 1 change from stateA to stateB.

The confusing part is the rising edge selected by the blue rectangular. When valid = '1'. At the first rising edge, the state will be calculated to be B but it won't take effect until the next rising edge BUT what happened that it took effect at the FIRST rising edge.

Because the change in the state from A to B should affect other parts ( parallel process ) in the design in the NEXT cycle. From the waveform, If valid = '1' just before CLK_1.

At, CLK_1 all other processes should see state = A | waveform correct output

  • state = A
  • enteredlastcycle = 0

At, CLK_2 all processes start seeing state = B. another parallel process checks if state = B then it drives ENTERED_STATEB_LASTCYCLE to be 1 waveform correct output

  • state = B
  • enteredlastcycle = 0

Then at CLK_3, waveform correct output

  • state = B
  • enteredlastcycle = 1

Do I misunderstand something?

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use work.KDlib.all;

entity nearestPoint is
generic ( ARRAY_WIDTH : integer := 8);
    port (
        clk: in std_logic;
        reset: in std_logic;
        inpoint: in kdvector;
        valid: in std_logic;
        finished: buffer std_logic

end nearestPoint;

architecture behave of nearestPoint is
signal state: two_state_type;
signal stateB_entered_lastCycle: std_logic;

process ( clk )
if ( reset = '1' ) then
elsif ( rising_edge(clk) ) then
    case state is
        when stateA =>
            if ( valid = '1' ) then
                state <= stateB;
            end if;
        when stateB =>
        when others =>
    end case;
end if;
end process;

if ( reset = '1' ) then
elsif ( clk = '1' ) then
    case state is
        when stateA =>
        when stateB =>
            stateB_entered_lastCycle <= '1';
        when others =>
    end case;
end if;
end process;

end behave;


  • I will give you an explanation through a digital circuit prism. It is a way of thinking that you have to keep in mind when you develop VHDL.

    Your valid is at 1 before the clock edge. You are in simulation so you can imagine that all your computations are instant. At the input of your flipflop the new value of your state is already calculated.

    I am used to code with only one sequential process and one or more combinational process. Maybe you will understand better with this code with same functionnality than yours (a bit simplified) :

    SEQ : process(clk, rst)
      if rst = '1' then
        current_state <= '0';
      elsif rising_edge(clk) then
        current_state <= next_state;
      end if;
    end process SEQ;

    Circuit corresponding to this code :
    Flip Flop

    COMB : process(current_state, valid)
      next_state <= current_state; -- Default value to ensure that next_state will always be affected
      if current_state = '0' and valid = '1' then
        next_state <= '1';
      end if;
    end process COMB;

    Circuit correspondint to this code :

    If we consider that when valid changes next_state is refreshed instant, current_state (state in your code) goes high on the very next clock rising edge.

    Hope you will understand, if you need more precision, don't hesitate to ask, I can edit my post or answer in comments.

    Important note : If you have an asynchronous reset in your sequential process, it has to be in sensitivity list.