I have a question about the ordering of synchronized and final for a method. Both of the following are accepted by the compiler, but is there any actual difference between them?
public synchronized final void update() {
// Do stuff
public final synchronized void update() {
// Do stuff
From the JLS 8.4.3 :
If two or more (distinct) method modifiers appear in a method declaration, it is customary, though not required, that they appear in the order consistent with that shown above in the production for MethodModifier.
And the production MethodModifier order is specified as (see the JLS link I provided) :
MethodModifiers MethodModifier
MethodModifier: one of
Annotation public protected private abstract
static final synchronized native strictfp
So JLS specifies that synchronized
and final
can appear in any order.
Therfore the answer to your question is : There is no difference.