I'm trying to programmatically set the background color of an UIButton to the color UIColor.systemBlue
, which I assume should be accessible according to the docs of UIColor and the color guidelines. However, I can only access the regular colors such as .blue
and .red
. In the interface builder I can select systemBlue
but not programmatically.
I'm using Xcode 10.3 and building for iOS 12.4.
EDIT: I've seen the question iOS 11.x system colors, but it doesn't make sense. In the color guidelines it's clearly stated that the system color values shouldn't be hard-coded, but to use the API instead. And in the UIColor docs the system colors seem to be accessible as public class vars of UIColor.
These system colors are only available when using the iOS 13 SDK, meaning you must use Xcode 11, not Xcode 10.3.