I know the title may be confusing, but my problem seems fairly easy.
I'm trying to remove a specific character "#".
This is how it currently logs (Click Here = Image) I'm trying to simply remove the "#" character so when it logs to the console it won't have the # in front of the text.
I've tried adding this before the break.
var color = stroke.split("#"); but it didn't work.
Here is my code
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://colorillo.com/byjy.inline.svg");
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
const xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
// Get all polylines as strings
let lines = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('polyline');
// Loop over all lines
for(let line of lines) {
//See Bruce'es comment (rgb() as output)
let stroke = line.style.stroke;
//let size = line.style.stroke-width; -- Disabled
// --- OR ---
// Loop over all styles of this line (output same as input [hex])
for(let style of line.getAttribute('style').split(';')) {
// Get name & value
let valueOffset = style.indexOf(':');
// Check if name equal to 'stroke'
if(style.substr(0, valueOffset).trim() === 'stroke') {
// Save stroke value
stroke = style.substr(valueOffset + 1).trim();
// Break out of the loop (we don't have to search further)
stroke.split("#"); // Here is what I've tried.
Change stroke.split("#") to
This will remove the first '#' in the string.
You can confirm by adding
console.log('BEFORE: '+stroke);
before that line, and
console.log('AFTER: '+stroke);
after it. Then check your console.log output in Dev Tools (or equivalent).