Before Xcode 11 Beta 5. I used this syntax to put a rounded border outside my TextField:
TextField("Expression", text: $expression)
Sadly, this approach is deprecated and gives me warning now.
The new approach should be: roundedBorder' is deprecated: Use RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle
directly instead.
But I can't figure out a way to use it.
As I can tell from the developer documentation. RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle conforms to protocol TextFieldStyle.
And TextField seems to have RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle as nested struct?(Not sure if I understanding correctly, RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle is written below TextField in the developer documentation)
I can't figure out how to use the new RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle.
I'm looking for the correct way to write the code below in Beta 5:
TextField("Placeholder", text: $texts)
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