I decided to create a small simple chat app to get familiar with certain API responses and how to use Alamofire package since I've never used that library, and also new to this particular API (TLDR brand new project with only Alamofire added in)
I keep getting an error when I do """ no such file or directory: '/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleChatTest-evmpbefwjoqpnbarsdqlcjjcwxzu/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/PackageFrameworks/AlamofireDynamic.framework/AlamofireDynamic' """
I tried all the usual suspects with cleaning and rebuilding project, removing and re-adding the package, deleting derived data and rebuilding, nothing. Finally after banging my head against the problem for a while I ran into another thread on here that suggested removing the dynamic library of Alamofire. I have no idea what that library is in the first place or if I would need it, so I decided to do that and, voila.
So I guess my questions are, is this a common enough thing that everyone knows to just remove the dynamic? If that is the case why hasn't it been fixed? Is there something in the way that I added the library with Swift Package Manager?
It seems like you have linked against both Alamofire and AlamofireDynamic. You should only linked against one of them. These are exactly the same library.
The purpose of AlamofireDynamic is to force Xcode to dynamically link the library. See the PR that added it. If you link against Alamofire, Xcode will automatically choose between static and dynamically, and it seems like it prefers static linking most of the time.