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RGraph hide line plus labels with a click on key element

So, I have a graph like this:

enter image description here

What I'm trying to achieve is to hide the lines plus the labels with it when I click the key referring that line.

I found this on the docs and I tried doing this:

$(line.canvas).on('click', function (e) //line is the name of the graph of both green and red lines
            var key = RGraph.Registry.get('key-element');

            if (key) {

I found this to be pointless due the fact when I click on the keys they return weird outputs, either null or other key different from the one I want.

What I also found on RGraph Line API is that obj.hide([index]) only sets the color to rgba(0,0,0,0), which does not hide the labelsAbove property.

How can I fix this and make a proper hide of the lines when I click on the key?


  • Well this demo hides/shows the line but the labelsAbove labels are still there. So I'll have to look at this for the next beta.

    Here's the code:

    function createandcall(rackname, racknameid, stb) {
        $('#maintable').append('<table class="table"><tbody><tr style="text-align:center"><td><h2>' + rackname + '</h2><table class="table"><tbody style="text-align:left"><tr id="STBL"></tr><tr id="STBL1"></tr><tr id="STBL2"></tr><tr id="STBL3"></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>');
        for (i = 1; i < stb + 1; i++) {
            callstb(rackname, racknameid, i);
    function callstb(rackname, racknameid, i) {
            type: "GET",
            dataType: 'text',
            url: "http://localhost:3000/index/" + rackname + ' ' + racknameid + ' ' + i,
            success: function (data) {
                response = '\#stb' + i;
                idtd = '\#tdstb' + i;
                $(response).html(data.replace(/\[32m/gi, '').replace(/\[0\;33m/gi, '').replace(/\[0m/gi, '').replace(/\[33m/gi, '').replace(/\[37m/gi, '').replace(/\[31m/gi, ''));
                pre = $(response).html().toString();
            error: function (error) {
                $("#error").html('Error trying to get the STBs report');


    app.get('/index/*', (req, res) => {
        parsedparam = req.params[0].split(" ")
        rackname = parsedparam[0]
        racknameid = parsedparam[1]
        stb = parseInt(parsedparam[2])
        verifystbs(rackname, racknameid, stb, res);
    function openconnection() {
        con.connect(() => { console.log("RackChecker connected with database!") });
    function closeconnection() {
        con.end(() => { console.log("Connection Closed") });
    function verifystbs(rackname, racknameid, stb, res) {
        con.query("SELECT (SELECT UCASE(name) FROM models WHERE s.model = id) as Model,\
            (SELECT UCASE(name) FROM manufacturers WHERE s.manufacturer = id) as Branch,\
            (SELECT UCASE(name) FROM racks WHERE s.rack = id) as Rack,\
   as Stb,\
   as Jira, \
            x.reason as Reason,\
            x.requestor AS Stress_Request,\
            x.version as Version\
            FROM \
            stbs s \
            LEFT JOIN \
            stressrun x \
            ON ( = 1 && s.rack = (SELECT id FROM racks WHERE name = '"+ racknameid + "')) \
            WHERE = (SELECT max(id) FROM stressrun y WHERE y.stb_id = and like ('STB_%"+ stb + "')\
            and x.reason in ('failed','other','new build') ORDER BY;", (err, result) => {
            if (!Array.isArray(result) || !result.length) {
                callnewstb = shell.exec('./shellscript/ ' + rackname + ' ' + stb, { async: true });
                callnewstb.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
            else {
                for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                    parsestbnumber = result[i].Stb.split("_");
                    stbnumber = parseInt(parsestbnumber[1]);
                    stbnumber = stbnumber * 1;
                    if (stb == stbnumber) {
                        res.send("Stress Test is not running on <b>" + result[i].Stb + "</b><br>Reason: <b>" + result[i].Reason + "</b><br>Jira Ticket: <b><a href='" + result[i].Jira + "'>" + result[i].Jira + "</a></b><br>Build Version: <b>" + result[i].Version)
                    else {
                        callnewstb = shell.exec('./shellscript/ ' + rackname + ' ' + stb, { async: true });
                        callnewstb.stdout.on('data', (data) => {