I have an array of objects a=[ {v:0}, {v:1}, {v:2}, {v:3} ] ;
I do not have the index into the array, but I do have references to the 2 values I want to swap
s1=a[2] ; s2 = a[3] ;
How do I use these references to swap the elements of the actual array?
[s1,s2] = [s2,s1] ; // only swaps s1 and s2, NOT elements of the array
// a is unchanged
If you have the reference you can safely retrieve the index by Array.indexOf()
a.indexOf(myReference) // returns the index of the reference or -1
Then, with retrieved index, you can proceed as usual.
Like this:
let a = [{ v: 0 }, { v: 1 }, { v: 2 }, { v: 3 }];
const s1 = a[2];
const s2 = a[3];